Shitposts Weekly

Medium articles neither rare nor well-done for the week ending 29th September 2018.

Does America Have Capitalist Stockholm Syndrome?: An asshole assumes the poor fully support the abuses the wealthy elites subject them to for their own aggrandizement. I can only assume this asshole has never actually talked to poor Americans, because this shitpost makes no sense otherwise. In fact, he gives as an example a middle-manager at some tech firm.

Why reading 100 books a year won’t make you successful: A webshit tries to explain to us that strong literacy is actually not conducive to success. While he’s technically correct—success is primarily about getting lucky—the real issue here is that speed-reading is useless and reading a lot of books because you feel you have to is about as effective as speed-reading. You should still read, but find material you enjoy reading, and read that, even if it’s something your friends or family think is absolute trash.

It’s Not What You Know, It’s How You Think: A professional shitposter tries to talk philosophy and fails miserably, in part because he confuses it with metacognition. Pro-tip: Intro to Philosophy will help you think. This shitpost won’t.

The definitive Node.js handbook: A webshit publishes an entire book on Medium. Why the fuck did you think this was a good idea?

The Safe, Boring, and Extremely Cheap Drug That Could Cure Aging: A professional shitposter claims to have found the fountain of youth in metformin, a drug commonly prescribed for type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. I’m highly skeptical.

Star Wars’ Biggest Blunder Isn’t What You Think: An uber-nerd tries to explain how people with wrong opinions about Star Wars developed those opinions. Star Wars’ biggest blunder is that George Lucas, despite his incessant lying since the 90s, was making up the original trilogy’s story as he went along. There was no master plan, there was no intent to produce a prequel trilogy or sequel trilogy until well after the original trilogy was cemented in pop culture.

Breathing Underwater: An Autism Tale: A writer looks at one family’s interactions with their non-verbal autistic son. From the description given, it sure sounds like facilitated communication, though he later claims it isn’t. I’m not sure how to file this.

Rare articles which are well-done.

My Life Has Been Ruined by an Anti-Baldness Drug: A victim of medical malpractice writes about his misfortune. I can only say that I’m glad I don’t give a shit about my own receding hairline.

What’s the Perfect Amount of Running for Good Health?: A writer takes a look at the science of running for exercise. Shockingly, excessive running is bad for your health.

Why Older People Have Always Trashed Young People: A writer examines the late adulthood phenomenon of blaming the kids for ruining society.

How Very Bad Men Get Away With Rape: A feminist explores rape culture to explain how rapists can get away with being terrible people. A key component is that people don’t want to admit to themselves that a friend did something bad, though another one is that rapists tend to find one another as non-rapists tend to shun them (which is entirely normal social behaviour).

The Boundary You Didn’t Know You Were Missing: A self-help booklet informs us that personal boundaries are a key component to a healthy, happy life. I couldn’t agree more.

Why Successful People Learn to Ask for Help: A therapist explains why people don’t ask for help.

Avoid Burnout and Increase Awareness Using Ultradian Rhythms: A self-help booklet suggests realigning work processes with natural body rhythms, mirroring the natural sleep cycle.